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Special Collections: Heritage Room

The La Sierra University Library Special Collections is housed in the Heritage Room and is also home to the University Archives.

LSU Library Heritage Room

The Heritage Room preserves and displays the past and present of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and La Sierra University. We also maintain a number of Special Collections on a variety of subjects.

Books   We have thousands of books by and about Adventists, covering Seventh-day Adventist history, people, and ideas; the history of La Sierra University and other Adventist schools and colleges; the Sabbath-Sunday controversy; religious freedom; and scores of related topics. If you want to know what Adventists thought and said and taught and did, or what they're thinking and saying and teaching and doing now, you've come to the right place.

Periodicals   We have hundreds of journals, from the Adventist Review through La Sierra Today to the Youth's Instructor. Our current subscriptions let you keep up with what's happening now in Adventism, while our extensive back files let you learn what our predecessors said and did. If you're from outside of California, come down and keep up with what's happening back home, even if home is across an ocean or a continent. See our list of SDA periodicals here.

Media   In the mood for something besides reading? We have video and audio tapes of University events, sermons, lectures, and other topics. We also have Adventist music in many formats.


Subject Files   Want to know what was going on behind the scenes, or never had a book written about it? Our growing files are filled with papers, pamphlets, brochures, and newspaper clippings, covering all sorts of material about La Sierra University, Adventist people, ideas, groups, and institutions. An index to the Document File is available.

Ellen G. White Study Center   Interested in the foremost Adventist in history? We are an Ellen G. White Study Center associated with the Ellen G. White Estate. We have many, many items on the life and ministry of Ellen G. White, as well as a copy of the White Estate's Question and Answer file. Everything you wanted to know (well, probably) about her is available.

Heritage Room Information

Heritage Room available only by appointment


Michelle Rojas
Special Collections & Reference Librarian
Office: 951-785-2382

Topic Guides

These topic guides provide helpful sources and suggest good methods of beginning a research project in Adventism. They are meant to serve as a great starting point and are by no means comprehensive bibliographies. Talk with a Reference Librarian for more helpful suggestions.

Further Study

To contact Ellen G. White Research Centers and Branch Offices worldwide such as Andrews University and Loma Linda University, see the White Estate website.

You can also search Ellen G. White's writings.

Another useful resource is, where you can keyword search through hundreds of Adventist periodicals, books, and conference proceedings.

SDA Mission Work Around the World

Doing an assignment on the history of SDA missions, institutions, or presence in a particular country? See this bibliography!

Seventh-day Adventist Missions Around the World

(compiled by Tony Zbaraschuk and Michelle Rojas)

Intro to SDA History

Heritage Room Display

The Heritage Room display showcases different items from the archives and special collections of the La Sierra University Library. Each quarterly display focuses on a topic within the collections' scope, Adventism  and La Sierra history. The display case is located downstairs across from the Heritage Room, in the study area by the elevator on the first floor.