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Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL)

Social-Emotional Health

Create a school culture where students develop skills in managing their emotions, and make responsible decisions.

One of the tools we use is called the Social Emotional Health Survey. This is a system designed to capture what is at the heart of what parents and educators work for, strive to provoke, and hope for all children. It is not just what children know and learn, however valuable that is, but who they will become as people and how they develop the inner personal strengths and resources needed to guide them through life.

The traits in this model are related to:
Self (self-awareness, grit, self-efficacy)
Belief-in-Others (i.e., peer support, teacher support, family support),
Emotional Competence (i.e., empathy, emotional regulation, delay of gratification),
Engaged Life (i.e., gratitude, zest, optimism).

Research shows that all of these psychological building blocks as correlated with positive mental health.

There are 2 versions of our research study:

  • Grades 7-12 Social Emotional Health Survey
  • Adult version of the Social Emotional Health Survey for, University students, Teachers, Professors and the general public.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) & Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) are essentially the same thing. In training and education we teach participants and students skills and strategies  to give them lifelong advantages to have a successful life.

Competencies that make up Social Intelligence

  • Self-Awareness/Self-Control
  • Relationships
  • Empathy
  • Emotional Connection & Regulation
  • Engagement in Life
  • Problem Solving / Decision Making

Social Emotional Health Research Study

Take the anonymous assessment under resources, as part of our research study


Social Emotional Learning for Teachers & Administrators Presentation
Take the Social Emotional Health Survey, Grades 7-12
Take the Social Emotional Health Survey, University Student, Teacher & Administrator Version

Come and learn with us


Keith Drieberg, Ph.D
Neuropsychologist (PSY13844)
Teaching Educator
Researcher in Social Emotional Learning
Chair, Curriculum & Instruction

Raymond Hurst, Ed.D
Teaching Staff Member –Curriculum & Instruction

Aimee Leukert, MA
Teaching Staff Member –Curriculum & Instruction

To contact the School of Education-Department of Curriculum & Instruction department, and schedule a time to talk or web conference one of the professors, Call-951-785-2184.

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866-219-0671 (Toll Free)
951.785.2205 fax

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