Theologian and strategist Patrick Reyes to give Landa Lecture

  Divinity School  

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – A theologian and educator who aims to help scholars of color, communities and organizations thrive will serve as the keynote speaker for an annual lecture series on faith at La Sierra University.

Dr. Patrick Reyes, author of "Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community, and Surviving to Adulthood" will speak at La Sierra University on Feb. 24. (Photo: courtesy of Patrick Reyes)
Dr. Patrick Reyes, author of "Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community, and Surviving to Adulthood" will speak at La Sierra University on Feb. 24. (Photo: courtesy of Patrick Reyes)

Patrick B. Reyes will present La Sierra’s 19th Annual Paul J. Landa Memorial Lecture on Faith and Learning. He will give a talk titled "Creating Conditions for the Next Generation to Thrive"  on Sat., Feb. 24 at 4 p.m. The event will be held at the La Sierra University Church. Admission is free.

Reyes is author of “Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community, and Surviving to Adulthood” published in December 2016 by Chalice Press. The book relays the story of how Reyes’ vocational discernment derives from navigating the extreme challenges of abuse, gang life, and economic and racial oppression suffered during his childhood and which was countered by a life-saving network of individuals.  

Reyes is a Latinx practical theologian, educator, and administrator, and serves as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Doctoral Initiatives at the Forum for Theological Exploration in Decatur, Ga. Latinx is a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to ‘Latino’ or ‘Latina’ and describes persons of Latin American origin or descent.

Reyes’ work focuses on supporting communities of color, the assessment, design, and implementation of diversity and equity initiatives, and facilitation of processes and practices for healing and discernment. Through his work at the Forum for Theological Exploration he oversees an historic doctoral fellowship program for students of color that includes scholarships and professional development support for program fellows. He also engages in grant making, coaching, professional development and experimentation grants under the umbrella of the Institutional Doctoral Network for institutions and seminaries that support scholars of color.

His activities over the past year have included serving with the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Institute for Child Advocacy Ministry seminary track, a program of the Children’s Defense Fund that works with young adults and pastors to create programs enabling the next generation to thrive. He participated in a racial justice team in Atlanta at The Temple, an historic synagogue whose impact on civil rights can be traced back to a partnership between Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Jacob Rothschild. In January he facilitated at a people of color-centered spirituality and leadership gathering in Chicago. He serves on the boards of two nonprofits, the Haitian Christian Development Fund, and Arts, Religion, and Culture based in Boston, both in service to his mission to work with faith-based organizations that contribute to the thriving of individuals and their communities.

Reyes previously served as the assistant dean for academic affairs and as the director of the Center for Community Engagement at Trinity Lutheran College in Washington State, and as program director of the Global Citizenship Project at Northeastern University. He holds a doctorate from Claremont School of Theology, a Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology, and a Master of Arts from Claremont School of Theology.

The Paul J. Landa Memorial Lecture is sponsored by La Sierra University’s H.M.S. Richards Divinity School. Landa taught at Loma Linda and La Sierra universities for 26 years. He is remembered as a professor of the history of Christianity and was also a futurist of great vision. He developed expertise in strategic planning for churches and educational institutions. Landa devoted his career to fostering a healthy conversation among church, campus, and community in which each informed and inspired the other.

For further information about this year’s Landa Lecture call 951-785-2041 or email The La Sierra University Church is located at 4937 Sierra Vista Ave., Riverside.