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Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Faculty Marvin A. Payne, Chair Associate Professor of Chemistry (1997) PhD University of North Texas 1993 Biochemistry, enzyme mechanisms Krista Motschiedler Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2002) PhD University of California, Los Angeles 2000 Physical organic chemistry Jennifer Helbley Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2006) PhD University of Nevada, Reno 2006 Materials chemistry Marco Allard Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2014) PhD Wayne State University 2010 Physical inorganic chemistry Michael Gutierrez Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2014) PhD University of California Riverside 2013 Organic chemistry Collaborating Faculty G. Roger Tatum Professor of Chemistry (1979), Retired PhD University of Maryland 1979 Instrumental and inorganic chemistry Michael S. Malarek Assistant Professor of Chemistry (2008) PhD University of Melbourne, Australia 2005 Organometallic chemistry H. Raymond Shelden Professor of Chemistry (1969), Retired PhD University of California, Irvine 1969 Physical organic chemistry La Sierra University Undergraduate Bulletin Degrees offered • Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry • Bachelor of Science degrees in: Biochemistry Chemistry Physical Science • Minors in Chemistry & Biochemistry Preparation for teaching Students interested in learning more about the preparation involved for teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, should refer to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction section in this bulletin. Objectives Developing a sense of intellectual curiosity concerning chemical ­theory and an appreciation of the practical role of chemistry in life ­constitute the general objectives of the department. Additional objectives include preparing students to enter graduate programs in chemistry or biochemistry, professional programs in the health sciences, and careers in the chemical industry. In addition to majors in chemistry and biochemistry, the department offers a major in physical science ­designed for those planning to teach science at the secondary level. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in the major content areas of chemistry at the bachelors degree level as specified by the American Chemical ­Society. The major content areas are: (1) General chemistry (2) Organic chemistry (3) Inorganic chemistry (4) Analytical chemistry (5) Physical chemistry (thermodynamics and dynamics) 2. Be able to solve complex theoretical and quantitative problems ­accurately and efficiently. 3. Communicate scientific information effectively through writing and oral presentations as well as effectively utilize scientific information presented by other scientists through writing and oral presentations. 4. Perform an independent chemical research project under the ­supervision of a faculty member. 5. Anticipate, recognize, and respond to chemical hazards included in the storage, handling, and disposal of chemicals, and laboratory a ­ ccidents. 117